The Orange Lilies
(The Forensic Genealogist #3)

Morton Farrier has spent his entire career as a forensic genealogist solving other people’s family history secrets, all the while knowing so little of his very own family’s mysterious past. However, this poignant Christmastime novella sees Morton’s skills put to use much closer to home, as he must confront his own past, present and future through events both present-day and one hundred years ago. It seems that not every soldier saw a truce on the Western Front that 1914 Christmas…
'The Orange Lilies sees Morton for once investigating his own tree (and about time too!). Moving smoothly between Christmas 1914 and Christmas 2014, the author weaves an intriguing tale with more than a few twists - several times I thought I'd figured it all out, but each time there was a surprise waiting in the next chapter...Thoroughly recommended - and I can't wait for the next novel'
‘Morton confronts a long-standing mystery in his own family–one that leads him just a little closer to the truth about his personal origins. This Christmas-time tale flashes back to Christmas 1914, to a turning point in his relatives’ lives. Don’t miss it!’
Lisa Louise Cooke
‘This is Goodwin’s best work for me. It is not a murder mystery, but Morton does solve some family mysteries with an almost Agatha Christie denouement. I recommend it for its genealogical appeal, mystery, and for anyone interested in World War I’
McGenealogist Blog
Check out my author interview on Flashlight Commentary regarding my thoughts about The Orange Lilies:
Take a look on Pinterest for some of the locations / photos used in this book!
Click the red marker balloons in the map below to see some of the real locations used in The Orange Lilies.